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Оконный менеджер для Free Pascal:

вместо GLUT...

Download sources and examples v0.9 (95K)

Download pre-compiled demos, for both Windows and Linux (442K)


В Линуксе выбор глубины цвета в 16 / 32 бит не поддерживается - всегда используются настройки рабочего стола. Кстати, не знаю как в других, а в той версии, что стоит у меня, глубину цвета рабочего стола или дефолтное разрешение имеет право менять только администратор (то бишь тот, кто знает пароль от root)

Also note - under Linux, if you'll somehow manage to kill the window in the fullscreen mode by outside means, video mode will _not_ be restored. (It tries anyway, but gets only stream of "0"s from the X server)

Fields, properties and method of TCLWindow class

(you should create your own descendant class and implement all the Onxxx methods, which are Abstract here!)

// set it to true when you want to close the app.
// DO NOT call Free from within of one of the "On<>" methods!!!
ExitRequested: boolean;

// check this in OnLoseFocus and OnDestroy,
// and NEVER call ANY OpenGL functions if true!
// signals that application goes down after some svere failure.
EmergencyShutdown: boolean;

// affects all subsequent video mode related function and procedure calls
// there are two separate video mode lists: for 16 and 24/32-bit video modes)
// ALWAYS check it after setting - under Unix it is _always_ false (because
// bit depth switching not supported at all)
// Does NOT immediately change the video mode - although affects
// the functions VidModesNum..VidModeMaxRefreshRate,
// and affects the next SwitchToFullScreenMode() call.
// Ignored in windowed mode.
property VidModes16bit: boolean

property InFullScreenMode: boolean //read only

// set it when if your class expects text input instead of scan-codes.
// look details in the description of the OnType method.
property TextInput: boolean

// use this if you need to do anything with the rendering context.
// note: always use this property, don't store it anywhere else -
// for between the OnIdle calls in some cases OpenGL may be re-loaded
// and window be re-created, and thus context be changed.
property RenderingContext: {$ifdef unix} glXContext {$else} HGLRC {$endif}
// read only.

// return window client area dimensions
property DisplayWidth: integer //read only
property DisplayHeight: integer //read only

// current screen refresh rate. if not fullscreen or not supported then zero.
property RefreshRate: integer //read only

// tells if the key is held down at the moment.
// always false for mouse wheel "keys" -4 and -5.
property Pressed [index: integer]: boolean //read only

//Mouse cursor position, in window client area coordinates
property MouseX: integer //read only
property MouseY: integer //read only

// does the window exist now?..
// Check in OnDestroy to determine if it was destroyed prematurely.
property WindowExists: boolean //read only

// check it to not draw when window is not visible at all.
property WindowVisible: boolean //read only

// contains the main program cycle. Call it next after Create.
Procedure MainLoop;

// if compiled without corresponding extensions of XFree86,
// it will report one video mode - the current desktop resolution
function VidModesNum: integer;
function VidModeWidth(i: integer): integer;
function VidModeHeight(i: integer): integer;

// in some cases may return 0 - means 'not supported by OS'!
// ChebLib window always uses maximum refresh rate, supported by system.
function VidModeMaxRefreshRate(i: integer): integer;

// tells only that video mode is in the "official" list.
// Under Windows 98 may return false for some modes (like 320x200)
// but despite this they can be succesfully set.
function VidModeSupported(width, height: integer): boolean;

// if called with invalid width will switch to windowed mode
// and return false.
// Always uses maximum refresh rate for given mode.
// Under Windows tries given parameters anyway (because Windows 9x often
// has some "hidden" video modes which it supports, but doesn't report
// about when asked for supported modes list (for example, 320x200 and
// others below 640x480).
function SwitchToFullscreenMode(width, height: integer): boolean;

// This version allows you to try to set Hertz value implicitly
// under Windows tries the Hertz value anyway.
// under Unix refresh rate is ignored - always uses system default.
function SwitchToFullscreenMode(width, height, Hertz: integer): boolean;

// under Unix doesn't restore window position
procedure SwitchToWindowedMode;

// in game mode, mouse cursor is hidden, and MouseX/MouseY return
// relative coordinates. (and outside of OnMouseMove they always
// return zero!)
// Ggame mode works regardless of fulscreen/windowed state
property GameMode: boolean

// hide cursor in non-game mode. Cursor will be hidden only if it points
// inside the window client area.
property HideCursor: boolean

// performs SwapBuffers, nothing more.
Procedure Flip;

// put your code for setting OpenGL rendering mode defaults here,
// not in OnCreate - because, as I said above, OpenGL may be reloaded
// between the OnIdle calls. If such happens, OnGetFocus will be called.
// OnGetFocus is always called at least once, at startup
procedure OnGetFocus; VIRTUAL; ABSTRACT;

// always called before shutdown (use WindowExists to check if window
// still exists at that time)
procedure OnLoseFocus; VIRTUAL; ABSTRACT;

// it's called one per every system mouse movement message.
// use MouseX and MouseY to obtain coordinates.
procedure OnMouseMove; VIRTUAL; ABSTRACT;

// it's called once at startup, and everytime the window unwraps
// from the minimized state (even if fullscren mode is used)
// and each time when window's size was changed.
// Use DisplayWidth and DisplayHeight to obtain window size.
procedure OnResize; VIRTUAL; ABSTRACT;

// mouse buttons are considered as keys with negative scancodes:
// -1 - left button, -2 - right one, -3 - middle.
// mouse wheel is considered as two keys: up (-4) and down (-5).
// they do receive only OnPress, and Pressed for them is always false.
// this structure was choosen for sake of simplicity of key binding
// in the game engine. It also coresponds to the mouse button / wheel
// numbering in X. But scancodes are in MS-DOS format
// ("Esc" = 1, and so on). IMHO, should match the DirectX definitions too.
procedure OnPress(scancode: integer); VIRTUAL; ABSTRACT;
procedure OnRelease(scancode: integer); VIRTUAL; ABSTRACT;

// if the TextInput property is set to True, and the pressed keys
// represent a valid character, then OnType will be called instead
// of OnPress.
// Character is in UNICODE (utf16) encoding.
procedure OnType(input: WideChar); VIRTUAL; ABSTRACT;

// called once at startup, after window created and OpenGL initialized.
procedure OnCreate; VIRTUAL; ABSTRACT;

// it's called once, at shutdown.
// GUARANTEED - regardles of way the window was closed.
// Check the WindowExists property to determine if window sill exists
// or it was already destroyed.
// note: don't forget to catch all your exceptions yourself, or above said is void!
procedure OnDestroy; VIRTUAL; ABSTRACT;

// Main cyclic method. Called repeatedly, unless there is anything else to do
// Put your rendering here.
procedure OnIdle; VIRTUAL; ABSTRACT;